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Media & Communication in Design Practice

Cherif Branki, Khaldoun ZREIK

ISBN 2-909285-12-X, 426 Pages - Price 60 Euros


The aim of EuropIA conferences is to bring together researchers in design, architecture, engineering, construction management, cognitive science, computer science, artificial intelligence, sociology, geography and education as well as industry partners, and practitioners.
The focus of EuropIA'98 for this diverse group was CyberDesign and specifically media and communications in design practice - what type media we use in design practice and what types of media communications tools are available to us- appropriating recent exciting developments in media communications for local area and/or wide area networks, new media types for interaction, and multimedia tools.

Sommaire / Contents

Part I : Cyber Design Environment vs Real Design Environment

Environnement de cyber conception vs environnement de conception. Constitution d'une mémoire personnelle à partir de représentations disséminées: vers une conception stimulée par ordinateur
M. Léglise

Agents and suggestions in a Web-based dynamic workflow model.
M. Crowe, S. Kydd

N. Baupin , K. Zreik

Establishing communication between a web-based argumentation system and remote databases
N. Karacapilidis, O. Abou Khaled

L'hypermedia: une autre facon de représenter.
Y. Reze

Perception spatiale d'un environment architectural : aspects informationnel et communicationnel.
C. Deshayes

Part II : Web Based Design

Pratique de la Conception par le Web
Building information in cooperative production context
F. Ameziane, S. Lasserre, X. Boucher

Computer mediated reciprocal distance education.
G. Vasquez de Velasco, N. Holland

Builing Design : Information Ordering
P. Van der Veer, I.S.Sariyildiz, Ö. Ciftcioglu

Distributed design knowledge using form, function and behaviour
M. Clayton

Inter Organisational Design : A New Approach to Team Design
P. Van Loon

Part III : On Line Distributed Design Environment

Environnement dynamique pour la Conception Coopérative. Applying web-based product libraries.
R. Coyne, J. Lee, D. Duncan, S. Ofluoglu

Towards Collaborative Creative Dseign
Barkowski, C. Branki, E. Grabska, W. Palacz

Part IV : Data Acquisition CyberSpace
Cyber-Esapces pour l'Acquisition des Données
Knowledge acquisition using VRML and unified modeling language : the case of the RGB computer room.
P. McIntosh

La surcharge électronique en conception
A. Roussel, K. Zreik

Structuring Mathematical Hypermedia Learning Material to Communicate Knowledge.
H. Ainsley, C. Ghaoui

Acquisition et extraction des connaissances pour la generation de systèmes de fondations de bâtiments
E. Henry, D. Boissier, C. Boulemia

Part V : CyberDesign : Social Features

CyberConception : Aspect Social
The social context of CAAD in practice.
C. Tweed

Delegation and interference : the personal workstation and the corporate network.
M.K. Crowe, R.A.. Kydd

The activity of design as revealed by tool usage.
M. Smyth

Part VI : Cyber Architectural Design Languages

Langages de la CyberConception Architecturale
VR/search : An Architectural Approach to Cyberspace
A.V. Moere, H. Neukermans, A.Heylighen

Computer Architectural Presentation - from physical models in space to virtual models in cyberspace.
P. Szalapaj, D. Chang

The impact of form on movement within virtual environments.
A.Bridges, T.Dimitrios

Part VII : Cyber Design Decision Support

Cyber Environnement d'aide à la Décision en Conception
The Global GIS: a case study.
R. Beheshti, R. Michels

An application of GIS technology to flood control.
V. Srdanovic, M. Jovanovic, D. Lekic

CADAM: towards a web-based information and decision support system for appropriateness in medicine.
N. Ebel, J.G. Jeannot, Y.A. Rekik, J.P. Vader, C.Vanoirbeek

Part VIII : CyberCommunication in Design Practice

CyberCommunication dans la pratique de la Conception What future for online communication design?
S. Newton, J. Rutherford

Those "psychological tools" inside the design process
S.Grosjean, P. Fexmer, C. Brassac

A curriculum for virtual architecture.
G. Vasquez, E. Akleman

Discovering the digital territory
M. Engeli, P. Sibenaler

Part IX : CybeDesign vs Real Design

CyberConception vs Conception
Between real and virtual worlds: design studies in cyberspace.

J.P. Goulette, S. Marques

AALTO on the internet
L. Madrazo, A. Weder

M-NOD: Design and analysis of multimedia news on demand system.
Y.K. Kang, K.D. Chung

The User as an Actor for Educational Multimedia Software Design Process
C. Brassac, N. Gregori, P. Remoussenard

Part X : On-Line Collaborative Design

Conception Collaborative en-ligne
Design Inspector and constraint interpolator in collaborative.

M.F. Jabar

Tracing Web Based Design Concerns
C. Branki, B. Lees, Aird

Utilising Urban Virtual Environments
V. Bourdakis


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