14 - 15 November
University of Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K
The term
"e-commerce" is gaining currency with the burgeoning
of the Internet as a medium for commercial transactions. Anyone
with a credit card and a networked PC can browse on-line catalogues
of books, computer games, clothing or airline schedules, place
orders and bookings electronically and receive the goods and
services by post a few days later. This extension of mail ordering
provides a simple grasp of the potential of e-commerce, and suggests
its extrapolation into other areas of commerce and design practice.
There are some obvious links
between e-commerce and design. Such systems have to be designed.
There are artefacts to be designed to interface with and house
the electronic environments, the hardware, the ubiquitous electronic
devices. But there are also design implications of e-commerce
for products, structures, architecture, the city and planning.
What becomes of the concept of the product, commercial centre,
the home, the school and the suburb in the light of e-commerce?
Design and e-commerce also
come together as we think of how design is to operate as a practice
within the emerging e-commerce environment. How do designers
participate in business-to-business e-commerce, with other designers,
consultants and suppliers? How do they market and deliver their
services on-line? What tools and services do designers need?
Designers design electronic environments. They also populate
them with their own activities. The field is new, and the conference
will canvas a broad range of topics pertinent to e-commerce and
- e-commerce
- business to business e-commerce
- the gift economy
- ethics and e-commerce
- network tools for designers
- e-commerce and utopia
- empowering consumers
- e-commerce practice
- critical theory and e-commerce
- politics of e-commerce
- re-configuring the local
and the global
- the electronic agora
- virtual market places
- mobile computers in the
market place
- on-line design services
- on-line product information
- Getting ready for total e-commerce
Vladimir Srdanovic and Lukijan Popovic
University of Belgrade
- Supporting construciton sites by means of
dynamic workflow systems and wireless communication networks
Cherif Branki, et al
University of Paisley
- A new south for design? The international
division of labour in architecture
Paolo Tombesi
University of Melbourne
- VIRAPS- The virtual apartment service
Jan Verwijnen
University of Art and Design Helsinki
- B2B (Business to Business) DATA EXCHANGE
Ernest Edmonds and Linda Candy
Loughborough University, UK
- Design and the emerging e-commerce environment
case study of the development of a building product information
Coyne, Lee and Ofluoglu
University of Edinburgh
- E-commerce: from Designles to design net
Khaldoun ZREIK
University of Caen, France
- Title forthcoming
Avon Huxor
Middlesex University
The proceedings
of the conference will be published by Europia Productions, Paris,
France. Set of homogeneous selected papers will be published
in special issues of internationals journals.
Program Committee
- Richard Coyne (Architecture:
University of Edinburgh) organiser
- John Lee (Informatics: University
of Edinburgh) organiser
- Paul Richens (Architecture:
University of Cambridge)
- Alan Bridges (Architecture:
University of Strathclyde)
- Khaldoun Zreik (Informatics:
University of Caen)
- Avon Huxor (Art and Design:
- Linda Candy (LUTCHI, Loughborough)