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4th Hyperheritage International Seminar (International Conference)
Smart Heritage
2-5 May, 2017 | Arab American University - Jenin, Palestine
The fourth Hyperheritage International Seminar (HIS.4) will be focused on, but not limited to, "Smart Heritage" in all its scientific, technological, professional and social dimensions.
In this context "Smart Heritage" refers to every concept or application augmenting the perception, the communication and the interaction with and within cutural heritage information, cultural heritage People and cultural heritage smart connected objects. Smart heritage is a hybrid environment integrating smart traditional (tangible) objects and smart digital connected objects (tangible and intangible).
The Smart Cultural Heritage refers to an augmented hybrid information management environment (integrating digital components and softwares) that ought to be active, communicative, connected, dynamic, interactive, and self regulated.
Organized by:
4th Hyperheritage International Seminar
(International Conference)
Smart Heritage
2-5 May, 2017 | Arab American University - Jenin, Palestine
The term HyperHeritage covers every hybrid cultural heritage environment (augmented with digital information) that allows exploring new facet’s of cultural information perceiving and practicing. Massive development, and impressive uses, of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) and immersive devices (Augmented and Virtual Realities) have allowed exploring new forms of Human Cultural-Heritage Information Communication. ICT has established new ways, often independent of space and time, to access, process and to deal with interconnected Cultural-Heritage Information and Devices.
New Human-to-Human “Meditaised” Communication Protocols, are inviting information designers to reconsider the Cultural-Hertitage Information environment. However, it is important to notice, that the idea of HyperHeritage doesn’t aim to question the Traditional Cultural Institutions, it suggests other ways of seeing and treating Cultural-Heritage Information growing, consuming and producing in an interconnected unlimited spaces. Thus, HyperHeritage, that refers to "Hyper Perception" of Cultural-Information, leads to consider a doubly exploratory adventure: on the first hand, to replaying / rediscover some of Human Perceptual and Operational Capabilities (in handling cultural information) and on the other hand, as consequence, to re-design (re-engineer) the Cultural-Heritage Information itself.
HIS.4 (Smart Heritage) addresses the issue of “Mediatised” Human Cultural-Information Communication following at least two angles: Augmented “Mediatised” Human Cultural Heritage Communication and New Cultural-Heritage Information Design
Topics of interest for this conference include, and not limited to the following:
- Augmented reality and virtual reality for Cultural Heritage
- Big data Cultural Heritage application
- Computer Vision for Cultural Heritage
- Cultural Heritage Archiving Data Management
- Cultural Heritage Data Visualization
- Cultural Heritage spatial data mining
- Cultural Heritage Educational Tools
- Cultural Heritage Information acquisition, restitution and retrieving
- Cultural Heritage Information Design
- Digitalization & Scanning Technology
- GIS services and architectures for CH
- Human Cultural Heritage Interaction
- Hyper Heritage Projects Development & Management
- Hypermedia
- Internet of t-Things (IoT)
- Modeling and Simulation Approaches
- Open Cultural Heritage Data Management
- Serious Games for Cultural Heritage
- Social Networks & Communities in Cultural Heritage
- ...
The conference wonder to compare the different scientific positions that are emerging on these topics. Authors are also invited to submit papers describing past and current research efforts, as well as experience with proof-of-concept, prototype and operational systems.
Instructions to Authors
Full paper (max 25000 characters) to be sent as PDF file – save the file with the initials of the title of your contribution. Example – TPINP.doc, or TPINP.docx. Submit directly : please click here "Submission" in case of trouble please contact: info@hyperheritage.org
The contributions should be anonymous and should not express the name of the author(s). Documents that do not comply with this rule will be excluded from the evaluation process.
Authors of accepted papers will be invited to submitt final full papers in PDF to be submitted directly to the conference submission plateform: Submission
Official language of the conference
Paper submission: English
and French
Presentation: English and French
(simultaneous translation is not available)
Documents that do not comply with this rule will be excluded from the evaluation process.
Reviewing process
All submitted papers will be reviewed using double blind refereeing process
Important dates
Full paper submission deadline (extended): Feb. 12, 2017
Notifications to authors: March. 10, 2017
Date for submission of final paper: Avril. 14, 2017
Publication date: May 2017
4th Hyperheritage International Seminar
(International Conference)
Smart Heritage
2-5 May, 2017 | Arab American University - Jenin, Palestine
For all submissions please click on the following: SUBMIT
Important dates
Full paper submission deadline (extended): Feb. 12, 2017
Notifications to authors: March. 10, 2017
Date for submission of final paper: Avril. 14, 2017
Publication date: May 2017
4th Hyperheritage International Seminar
(International Conference)
Smart Heritage
2-5 May, 2017 | Arab American University - Jenin, Palestine
4th Hyper-Heritage International Conference : Smart Heritage |
First Day |
May 3, 2017 |
Arab American University-Jenin Campus |
9 AM – 5:30 PM |
9:00 - 9:30 |
Registration |
9:30 – 10:00 |
Opening Session |
9:30 - 9:35 |
Dr.Amjad RATTROUT | Chair of HIS4, Arab American University-Palestine |
9:35 - 9:45 |
Prof. Ali Zaidan | University President |
9:45 - 9:55 |
Her Excellency Rula Ma'ayah | Minister of Tourism and Antiquities |
9:55 - 10:00 |
Prof. Khaldoun Zreik | General Chair of HIS International Conference – Paris 8 University |
10:00 – 11:00 |
Keynote speaker
Roberto dos Santos Bartholo | Professor, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil |
Session Chair
[Prof. Khaldoun Zreik, Paris8, France] |
11:00 - 11:30 |
Coffee break |
11:30 - 12:30 |
Session # one |
Session Chair
Prof. Stéphane Chaudiron,Lille3 France |
11:30 - 11:50 |
The D-COMP model: A comprehensive evaluation framework for digital museum interactives | Areti Damala, Ian Ruthven and Eva Hornecker |
11:50 - 12:10 |
Al-Quds Tourism Augmentation | Labib Arafeh |
12:10 - 12:30 |
Adaptive User-Centered Application for Cultural Heritage Environments | Amjad Rattrout, Shafaq Abulhouf and Kefaya Sabaneh |
12:30 - 2:00 |
Lunch break |
2:00 – 3:00 |
Keynote speaker
Sylvie Leuleu Merviel | Professor, University of Valenciennes, France |
Session Chair
[Prof. Anis Semlali, ESSTD, Tunis] |
3:00 – 3:20 |
Coffee break |
3:20 - 4:40 |
Session # Two |
Session Chair
[Dr M. Al Manasrah] |
3:20 – 3:40 |
Preserving Culture Heritage of Palestine’s Natural History | Mazen Qumsieh |
3:40 – 4:00 |
Towards a VR Cultural Heritage Platform for Palestine | Ramzi Hassan |
4:00 – 4:20 |
Heritage Storyteller: Cultural Heritage Digital Storytelling using Data Visualization | Muath Sabha and Ahmad Abulhouf |
4:20 – 4:40 |
The Civic Civilian Topographic Maps of Battir | Jasmine Desclaux-Salachas |
4:40 – 5:40 |
Round Table Session
Prof. Khaldoun Zrik | Professor, Paris 8 University
Ms. Rawan Damen | Filmmaker and Media consultant
Session Chair
Dr. Radwan TAHBOUB
PPU Palestine |
5:40 – 9:00 |
Visiting Arrabeh cultural site and dinner |
4th Hyper-heritage International Conference
(Smart Heritage) |
Second Day |
May 4, 2017 |
Arab American University-Ramallah Campus |
9 AM – 5:30 PM |
9:00 – 9:30 |
Registration |
9.30- 9.45 |
Opening Session |
9:30 - 9:45 |
Opening ------- |
9:45 – 10:45 |
Keynote speaker
Xenofon Zampoulis | Professor, Institute of Computer Science - Foundation for Research and Technology, Hellas, Greece |
Session Chair
[Dr Imad El Hodali, QOU ] |
10:45 - 11:00 |
Coffee break |
11:00 - 12:40 |
Papers Session # Three |
Session Chair
Prof Nasreddine Bouhai,Paris8 France |
11:00 - 11:20 |
La biopiraterie du patrimoine culturel immatériel : cas de la médecine traditionnelle | Luis Torres-Yepez and Khaldoun Zreik |
11:20 - 11:40 |
Une approche hypermédia pour la valorisation auprès du grand public de données patrimoniales numériques | Pierre Châtel-Innocenti and Guillaume Besacier |
11:40 - 12:00 |
Une approche adaptative pour l’acquisition et l’extraction de connaissances dans un contexte patrimoniale peu documenté | Ashraf Amad, Nasreddine Bouhai and Khaldoun Zreik |
12:00 – 12:20 |
Palestine Heritage Digitization: collaborative distributed system approach | Amjad Rattrout, Nael Zidan and Ahmad Abulhouf |
12:20 -12:40 |
Le patrimoine autogéré, une utopie? L'outil numérique au service de la réinvention du patrimoine | Iman Batita, Hatem Bejar and Pierre Leclercq |
12:40 - 1:30 |
Lunch break |
1:30 – 2:30 |
Keynote speaker
Alain Mille | Professor, University Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France |
Session Chair
Dr. Labib Arafeh, AQU
2:30 – 2:45 |
Coffee break |
2:45 - 3:25 |
Papers Session # Four |
Session Chair
[] |
2:45 – 3:05 |
Theatromania ; postures spectateur(s) et sérendipité augmentée face à la médiation patrimoniale | Jean Jacques Gay, Guillaume Besacier and Khaldoun Zreik |
3:05 – 3:25 |
De la restitution à la transmission : La place du numérique | Anis Semlali |
3:25 – 4:25 |
Round Table Session
Dr. Nedal Jayousi | --
Mr. Philippe Van Impe | European Data Innovation Hub
Prof. Anis Semlali | ----
Session Chair
Dr Muath SABHA, AAUJ |
4:30 – 5:30 |
Closing Session |
5:30 |
Visiting Sabastia historical sites and dinner |
4th Hyperheritage International Seminar
(International Conference)
Smart Heritage
2-5 May, 2017 | Arab American University - Jenin, Palestine
Registration Form
Please copy and fill this form to register to the 3d International HyperHeritage Seminar (HIS.4) and send it to the conference secretary: Registration.HIS4@aauj.edu
Registraion fees : 200 euros / participant Are included in the fees (during the conference, i.e. from 2 to 5 May 2017): Participation to the Conference, Hotel, Transportations ( bus from rhe hotel to the conference room), Lunches, Coffee Breaks
Registration is free for local participants
All participants are invited to send the following information before March 1st, 2017 to info@hyperheritage.org
Thank you for your interest
For more information, please contact the organization committee: info@hyperheritage.org
Hyperheritage International Seminar
Digital technology has allowed to perceive, to practice and to deal differently with cultural in general and with cultural heritage in particular.
The term HyperHeritage covers every cultural environment that embeds and includes traditional and digital cultural information, whether this environment is “traditional”, hybride (traditional one integrating digital information and devices) or Digital one (Virtual or Augmented Environment).
HyperHeritage’s domains concern and not limited to: archeology, architecture, design (digital design included), history and information and communication sciences and technologies (ICST). This multidisciplinary collaboration endeavor to suggest intelligent and reliable perceptions, studies and uses of cultural heritage. Being involved in a HyperHeritage problematic, will imply using and adapting the hottest ICT (existing or emerging) that will enable researchers and users of cultural heritage issues to explore ‘real-virtual’ information in real-time. It is a powerful and innovative learning environment in the study, presentation and understanding of cultural heritage ascertained through multi-sensory ways of technology-enhanced.

The first meeting (HIS.1) was held in Ramallah-Palestine (December 11-12, 2013), showed that most of South Mediterranean Cultural Heritage is poorly Digitalized and weakly informed and documented (on the digital space).

The 2d meeting (HIS.2), organised in Kerkena-Tunisia (April 2-4, 2015), suggested to give priority to research and innovation actions related to Cultural Heritage Information (C.H.I) retrieval, C.H.I acquisition, C.H.I validation, C.H.I Archiving, C.H.I Indexing, ... to enable better C.H.I Design, C.H.I Reconstruction, C.H.I Management, C.H.I Promotion, ...

The third Hyperheritage International Seminar (HIS.3) organised in Kerkena-Tunisia (May 5-7, 2016) was focused on Hybride Cultural Heritage Information Design in all its scientific, technological and social dimensions. "Hybride" in this context refers both to tangible and intangible cultural heritage information or site that adresses digital technologies.
4th Hyperheritage International Seminar
(International Conference)
Smart Heritage
2-5 May, 2017 | Arab American University - Jenin, Palestine
International Steering Committee
- Naoufel ABBES, Higher School on Design Sciences and Technology, Tunisia
- Daniel ASMAR, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, American University of Beirut, Lebanon
- Roberto BARTOLO, Federal Universit of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Vincent BECUE, Université de Mons, Belgium
- Guillaume BESACIER, CITU-paragraphe, University Paris8, France
- Omar BILBECH, École Supérieure des Sciences et Technologies du Design, Tunisia
- Nasreddine BOUHAI, CITU-paragraphe, University Paris8, France
- Hafida BOULEKBACHE, Univ Lille Nord de France, UVHC, DeVisU, France
- Grégory CHAMBON, Centre François Viète, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, France
- Stéphane CHAUDIRON, GERIICO, University Lille III, France
- Pierre CHATEL-INNOCENTI, CITU-paragraphe, University Paris8, France
- Stéphane CHAUDIRON, GERiiCO, Université de Lille 3, France
- Abderrezak DOURARI, University of Algiers 2, Algeria
- Mohammad HAMARSHEH, Arab Americal University, Palestine
- Ioannis KANELLOS, Computer Science department of Télécom Bretagne, France
- Patricia LAUDATI, Higher School on Design Sciences and Technology, Tunisia
- Sylvie LELEU-MERVIEL, Univ Lille Nord de France, UVHC, DeVisU, France
- Mahmoud Al MANASSRA, Arab American University, Palestine
- Daniel R. MESTRE, ISM/CRVM (Mediterranean Virtual Reality Cente), France
- Alain MILLE, University Lyon 1, France
- Giovanni De PAOLIi, University of Montreal, Canda
- Amjad RATROUT, Arab American Universit, Palestine
- Muath SABHA, Arab American University, Palestine
- Anis SEMLALI, École Supérieure des Sciences et Technologies du Design, Tunisia
- Marta SEVERON, University Paris 10, France
- Pascal SIMEON, Université de Mons, Belgium
- Peter STOCKINGER, Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (INALCO), France
- Radwan TAHBOUB, Palestine Polytechnic University, Palestine
- Mateo TRELEANI, Université de Lille 3, France
- Khaldoun ZREIK, CITU-Paragraphe, Université Paris 8, France (HIS conferences general chair)
Steering Committee
- Amjad RATROUT, Arab American University in Jenin (AAUJ), Palestine (Local Coordinator)
- Muath SABHA, Arab American University in Jenin (AAUJ), Palestine (Local Coordinator)
- Jacqueline JOUBRAN ABU DAOUD, Arab American University in Jenin (AAUJ), Palestine
- Sami AWAD, Arab American University in Jenin (AAUJ), Palestine
- Guillaume BESACIER, CITU-paragraphe, University Paris8, France
- Nasreddine BOUHAI, CITU-Paragraphe, University Paris8, France
- Hafida BOULEKBACHE, Univ Lille Nord de France, UVHC, DeVisU, France
- Anis SEMLALI, Higher School on Design Sciences and Technology, Tunisia
- Khaldoun ZREIK, CITU-Paragraphe, Université Paris8, France
4th Hyperheritage International Seminar
(International Conference)
Smart Heritage
2-5 May, 2017 | Arab American University - Jenin, Palestine
Information Contact: Info.his4@aauj.edu
Registartion Contact : Registration.HIS4@aauj.edu
Accommodation Location
Royal suites Hotel, Rafidya St. , Nablus
Here are some of the scientific events undertaken or organized by CiTU-paragraphe
