- HIS3
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3d Hyperheritage International Seminar (International Conference)
Cultural Heritage Information Design
5-7 May, 2016 | Kerkena, Tunisia
The third Hyperheritage International Seminar (HIS.3) will be focused on, but not limited to, Hybride Cultural Heritage Information Design in all its scientific, technological and social dimensions. "Hybride" in this context refers both to tangible and intangible cultural heritage information or site that adresses digital technologies.
Organized by:
3d Hyperheritage International Seminar
(International Conference)
Cultural Heritage Information Design
5-7 May, 2016 | Kerkena, Tunisia
Topics of interest for this conference include, and not limited to the following:
- Augmented Cultual Heritage
- Big Cultural Heritage Data
- Cultural Heritage Archiving, Preservation & Management (inthebroadest senseof theterm)
- Cultural Heritage Data & Knowledge Management
- Cultural Heritage Data Visualisation
- Cultural Heritage Data Shifting
- Cultural Heritage Educational Tools
- Cultural Heritage Information acquisition, restitution and retrieving
- Cultural Heritage Information Design
- Cultural Heritage Information Shifting
- Human Cultural Heritage Interaction
- HyperHeritage Projects Development & Management
- Open Cultural Heritage Data Management
- Open Cultural Heritage Data
- Serious Games for Cultural Heritage
- Social Networks & Communities in Cultural Heritage
- Visualization & Scanning Technology
- ...
The conference wonder to compare the different scientific positions that are emerging on these topics. Paper submissions are invited on these and related topics describing past and current research efforts, as well as experience with proof-of-concept, prototype and operational systems.
Instructions to Authors
Extended Abstracts (max 1000 words) to be sent as word file (doc. or docx) – save the file with the initials of the title of your contribution. Example – TPINP.doc, or TPINP.docx. Submit directly : please click here "Submission" in case of trouble please contact: info@hyperheritage.org
The contributions should be anonymous and should not express the name of the author(s). Documents that do not comply with this rule will be excluded from the evaluation process.
Authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to submitt full papers. Final accapted papers must be in MS-Word and submitted directly to the conference submission plateform: Submission
Official language of the conference
Paper submission: English
and French
Presentation: English and French
Documents that do not comply with this rule will be excluded from the evaluation process.
Reviewing process
All submitted abstracts and papers will be reviewed using double blind refereeing process
Important dates
Submission Extended Abstract : March 7th, 2016 (updated)
Notification to Authors : March 20th, 2016 (updated)
Full Papers : April 25, 2016
For all submissions please click on the following: SUBMIT
Extended Abstract : March 7th, 2016 (updated)
Notification to Authors : March 20th, 2016 (updated)
3d Hyperheritage International Seminar
(International Conference)
Cultural Heritage Information Design
5-7 May, 2016 | Kerkena, Tunisia
Wednesday May 4th, 2016 | Mercredi 04 mai 2016
07h00 : Departure from Tunis to Sfax by bus| Départ de Tunis vers Sfax par Car.
12h30 : Departure from Sfax to Kerkena by boat | Départ de Sfax vers Kerkennah par Bac
14h30 : Welcome lunch at Kerkena (Hotel***) | Déjeuner de Bienvenue à Kerkennah (Hôtel***)
18h00 : Advisory Board Meeting at Kerkena (Hotel***) | Réunion du comité du progromme à Kerkennah (Hôtel***)
Thursday May 5th, 2016 | Jeudi 05 mai 2016
- Conference Opening | Ouverture du Colloque
- Visitor Tracking and Prediction in Open Space Cultural Places - Muath SABHA, Ihab NASRA, Arab American University , Palestine
- Tracking User Movement in an Augmented Reality Application of the Byblos Roman Theatre - George YOUNES, Daniel ASMAR, Howayda AL-HARITHY and Imad ELHAJJ, American University of Beirut, Liban
- Un prototype de musé virtuel 3D avec placage de texture à partir d'un ensemble d'œuvres du musé du Bardo - Faouzi GHORBEL, Ecole Nationale des Sciences de l'Informatique de Tunisie (ENSI), Tunisie
- Comment la réalité augmentée en muséographie, entre médiation documentaire et appropriation peut-elle contribuer à la restitution de la mémoire ? Cas d'étude : le musée de Bourguiba (Le palais du marbre de Skanès) - Lamia AZZABI, ESSTED, Tunisie
- Le design interactif : pour une nouvelle expérience muséale - Asma SAAYED, ISAMM, Tunisie
- La Médiation, un repère de référence différentiel dans le développement du Patrimoine scientifique : Tataouine un musée à ciel ouvert - Neila ZANNED ANNABI, ESSTED, Tunisie
- Application des grammaires formelles à l'analyse des élévations de la cour intérieure de la maison traditionnelle Tunisoise - Myriam GARGOURI, ISAMS, Tunisie
- Data acquisition and enrichment in the context of poorly documented cultural heritage - Ashraf AMAD, Nasreddine BOUHAI, Khaldoun ZREIK, CITU-PARAGRAPHE, France
- Modeling interactive multi agent system in cultural heritage locations - Amjad RATTROUT, Arab American University, Palestine
- Valoriser le patrimoine culturel par le numérique : Exemples Académiques de Serious Games - Safa ACHOUR, Institut Supérieur des Arts Multimédia de la Manouba, Tunisie
- Sm@rt Heritage : Hatem BÉJAR, Edifice & Mémoires, Tunisie - Pierre Leclercq, LUCID-Ulg, Belgique
Friday May 6th, 2016 | Vnedredi 06 mai 2016
- Le patrimoine architectural comme savoir à transmettre dans l'espace virtuel - Le cas de world wonders de Google et son éventuelle application en Algérie - Amel LAIEB, DeViSu à valenciennes, France/ faculté d'architecture et d'urbanisme de Mons, Belgique
- Les Thermes des mois de ''thaenae'' Pour instaurer une méthodologie de restitution virtuelle - Soufiane SOUISSI, INP, ESSTED, Tunisie
- Reconstruction 3D dans un contexte d'acquisition défavorable : le cas de l'église de QorQor - Aurélie FABIJANEC, François GUÉNA, MAP-MAACC, France
- Action based approach to archaeological reconstruction projects: case of the Karnak temple in Egypt - Anis SEMLALI, Temy TIDAFI, Claude PARISEL, ÉcoleSupérieure des Sciences et Technologies du Design, Tunisie; University of Montreal, Canada
- Heritage buildings, Digital data Storage, and virtual buildings – Pascal SIMOENS, ARCHIMADE Studio, Belgique
- Faire revivre le passé comme forme de résistance: cas d'archives privées de femmes tunisiennes - Raja FENNICHE, Tunisie
- La gestion des connaissances et de l'information patrimoniale en Tunisie Les programmes d'inventaire nationaux : Bilan, limites et prospective - Wided ARFAOUI, Ecole Nationale d'Architecture et d'Urbansime de Tunis, Tunisie
- Les musées des arts et traditions en Tunisie: État des lieux et devenir. , Taher GHALIA, Directeur des musées, INP, Tunisie
- Table ronde
Conference Closure | Clôture du colloque
Saturday May 7th, 2016 | Samedi 07 Mai 2016
- 07h30 : Breakfast | Petit déjeuner
- 09h00 : Visit | Visite
- 12h00 : Back to Sfax by Boat | Retour vers Sfax par Bac
- 14h00 : Lunch at the Medina of Sfax | Déjeuner à la Médina Sfax
- 16h00 : Departure to Tunis | Départ vers Tunis/par Bus
- 19h30 : Arrival to Tunis | Arrivée à Tunis
3d Hyperheritage International Seminar
(International Conference)
Cultural Heritage Information Design
5-7 May, 2016 | Kerkena, Tunisia
Registration Form
Please copy and fill this form to register to the 3d International HyperHeritage Seminar (HIS.3) and send it to the conference secretary: info@hyperheritage.org
Registraion fees : 220 euros / participant (to be paid in Kerkena directlky at the hotel, credit cards are not accepted at the hotel in kerkena)
Are included in the fees (during the conference, i.e. from 4 to 7 May 2016): Participation to the Conference, Transportations (Tunis-Kerkena-Tunis | bus & boat), Hotel, Meals, Coffee Break
Information to be send before April 15th to info@hyperheritage.org
Thank you for your interest
For more information, please contact the organization committee: info@hyperheritage.org
Hyperheritage International Seminar
Digital technology has allowed to perceive, to practice and to deal differently with cultural in general and with cultural heritage in particular.
The term HyperHeritage covers every cultural environment that embeds and includes traditional and digital cultural information, whether this environment is “traditional”, hybride (traditional one integrating digital information and devices) or Digital one (Virtual or Augmented Environment).
HyperHeritage’s domains concern and not limited to: archeology, architecture, design (digital design included), history and information and communication sciences and technologies (ICST). This multidisciplinary collaboration endeavor to suggest intelligent and reliable perceptions, studies and uses of cultural heritage. Being involved in a HyperHeritage problematic, will imply using and adapting the hottest ICT (existing or emerging) that will enable researchers and users of cultural heritage issues to explore ‘real-virtual’ information in real-time. It is a powerful and innovative learning environment in the study, presentation and understanding of cultural heritage ascertained through multi-sensory ways of technology-enhanced.

The first meeting (HIS.1) was held in Ramallah-Palestine (December 11-12, 2013), showed that most of South Mediterranean Cultural Heritage is poorly Digitalized and weakly informed and documented (on the digital space).

The 2d meeting (HIS.2), organised in Kerkena-Tunisia (April 2-4, 2015), suggested to give priority to research and innovation actions related to Cultural Heritage Information (C.H.I) retrieval, C.H.I acquisition, C.H.I validation, C.H.I Archiving, C.H.I Indexing, ... to enable better C.H.I Design, C.H.I Reconstruction, C.H.I Management, C.H.I Promotion, ...
3d Hyperheritage International Seminar
(International Conference)
Cultural Heritage Information Design
5-7 May, 2016 | Kerkena, Tunisia
International Steering Committee
- Daniel ASMAR, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, American University of Beirut, Lebanon
- Jean ATTALI, ACS – UMR 3329 AUSser, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Paris Malaquais, France
- Bruno BACHIMONT, UMR CNRS 7253 Heudiasyc, Université de Technologie de Compiègne, France
- Guillaume BESACIER, CITU-paragraphe, University Paris8, France
- Nasreddine BOUHAI, CITU-paragraphe, University Paris8, France
- Hafida BOULEKBACHE, Univ Lille Nord de France, UVHC, DeVisU, France
- Grégory CHAMBON, Centre François Viète, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, France
- Pierre Chatel-Innocenti, CITU-paragraphe, University Paris8, France
- Stéphane CHAUDIRON, GERiiCO, Université de Lille 3, France
- Giovanni DE PAOLI, Université de Montréal, Canada
- Abderrazak DOURARI, CNPLET, Algeria
- Ioannis KANELLOS, Computer Science department of Télécom Bretagne, France
- Fakher KHARRAT, ENAU, Tunisa
- Abdenbi LACHKAR, CITU-paragraphe, University Paris8, France
- Patrizia LAUDATI, Univ Lille Nord de France, UVHC, DeVisU, France
- Ioannis LIRITZIS, University of the Aegean, Greece
- Sykvie MERVIEL, Univ Lille Nord de France, UVHC, DeVisU, France
- Naoufel ABBES, Higher School on Design Sciences and Technology, Tunisia
- Amjad RATROUT, Arab American University in Jenin (AAUJ), Palestine
- Muath SABHA, Arab American University in Jenin (AAUJ), Palestine
- Anis SEMLALI, École Supérieure des Sciences et Technologies du Design, Tunisia
- Peter STOCKINGER, Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (INALCO), France
- Khaldoun ZREIK, CITU-Paragraphe, Université Paris 8, France
Organizing Committee
- Anis SEMLALI, Higher School on Design Sciences and Technology, Tunisia
- Fakher KHARRAT, National School for Architecture and Urban Planning, Tunisa
- Naoufel ABBES, Higher School on Design Sciences and Technology, Tunisia
- Omar BLIBECH, Higher School on Design Sciences and Technology, Tunisia
- Nasreddine BOUHAI, CITU-Paragraphe, University Paris8, France
- Guillaume BESACIER, CITU-paragraphe, University Paris8, France
- Pierre Chatel-Innocenti, CITU-paragraphe, University Paris8, France
- Khaldoun ZREIK, CITU-Paragraphe, Université Paris8, France
3d Hyperheritage International Seminar
(International Conference)
Cultural Heritage Information Design
5-7 May, 2016 | Kerkena, Tunisia
Wednesday May 4th, 2016 | Mercredi 04 mai 2016
07h00 : Departure from Tunis to Sfax by bus| Départ de Tunis vers Sfax par Car.
12h30 : Departure from Sfax to Kerkena by boat | Départ de Sfax vers Kerkennah par Bac
14h30 : Welcome lunch at Kerkena (Hotel***) | Déjeuner de Bienvenue à Kerkennah (Hôtel***)
18h00 : Advisory Board Meeting at Kerkena (Hotel***) | Réunion du comité du progromme à Kerkennah (Hôtel***)
Saturday May 7th, 2016 | Samedi 07 Mai 2016
- 07h30 : Breakfast | Petit déjeuner
- 09h00 : Visit | Visite
- 12h00 : Back to Sfax by Boat | Retour vers Sfax par Bac
- 14h00 : Lunch at the Medina of Sfax | Déjeuner à la Médina Sfax
- 16h00 : Departure to Tunis | Départ vers Tunis/par Bus
- 19h30 : Arrival to Tunis | Arrivée à Tunis
- Anis SEMLALI, Higher School on Design Sciences and Technology, Tunisia
- Fakher KHARRAT, National School for Architecture and Urban Planning, Tunisa
- Naoufel ABBES, Higher School on Design Sciences and Technology, Tunisia
- Omar BLIBECH, Higher School on Design Sciences and Technology, Tunisia
- Nasreddine BOUHAI, CITU-Paragraphe, University Paris8, France
- Guillaume BESACIER, CITU-paragraphe, University Paris8, France
- Khaldoun ZREIK, CITU-Paragraphe, Université Paris8, France
About the venue: Kerkena
Here are some of the scientific events undertaken or organized by CiTU-paragraphe
