E-Learning: A Virtual Promise?


Lorraine McKechnie


ISBN 2-909285-27-8, 392 Pages - Prix 50 Euros


Sommaire / Contents



CAPS.4 took place in Glasgow Caledonian University, Scotland, 2nd – 4th July 2003 and was part of a series of international biennial conferences on Human-System Learning. This fourth conference brought together, from many different countries, researchers, practitioners, educators and users with interests in the many facets of Human-System learning. The conference took the evocative theme of E-Learning: A Virtual Promise? and sought to identify and evaluate some of the consequences of the emerging learning environment within and between contributing disciplines. The widely perceived scope for increased pedagogical opportunities to enhance student learning, institutional objectives for growth in the face of intensified competition in the higher education sector and the expansion of mass education throughout the industrialised world, have all combined to lead to the rapid adoption of electronic technologies into the learning process. This has been transforming the learning environment, internationally, and is predicated upon expectations of the communications’ capability, declining costs and continuous improvements in ease of use of these networking technologies. The potential for greater interactivity, flexibility, more functionality and lower delivery costs are powerful drivers and have put E-Learning on top of the educational agenda in institutions around the world. This conference aimed to explore these issues and to address critically the question of how far the promise of the New Electronic Learning Environment is capable of realisation.

The objectives of this conference were:
• To reflect critically on the realisation of the ‘Virtual Promise’;
• To facilitate engagement across boundaries in the e-learning community towards collaborative exchange;
• To “jump the learning curve” and move towards developing optimal applications of e-technologies.

In order to facilitate a dialogue on the benefits and limitations of contemporary developments in E-Learning, from diverse perspectives, the conference was structured around the following sub-themes, which comprise the major sections of these proceedings:
• Pedagogy & Flexible Learning
• Management, Organisation & Behavioural Issues
• Tools, Technologies & Systems.

Lorraine McKechnie

Sommaire / Contents

McKechnie, L. Editorial

Salmon, G. KEYNOTE ADDRESS : Sleight of Hand and Twist of Fate

Section one: Pedagogy & Flexible Learning

Affleck, G. Identifying a Need for E-Support

Bartlett-Bragg, A. Blogs - Enhancing Reflection in e-Learning The use of Chat and the Discussion Forum

Edirisingha, P., Heaton-Shrestha, C. and Kelly, P. Widening access and increasing success in higher education: potentials of Virtual Learning Environments

Forbes, D. Formative Interaction in Online Classes

Macdonald, J. Supporting E-Learners at the Open University in Scotland

McAllister, J. and Wilson, R. Pedagogy and Flexible Learning

Nisbet, D. The Facilitation of Group Interaction in e-Learning Programmes in an International and Multi-cultural Environment

O’Hare, D. & Mackenzie, D.M. Advanced Computer Based Assessment-Enhancing the Quality of Teaching Provision

Palmer K. and Richardson, P. On-line Assessment and Free-Response Input – a Pedagogic and Technical Model for Squaring the Circle

Pinder, S. & Thomson, C. Small business, big challenge:
Developing good practice in ICT-supported learning in SMEs

Roberts, G. and Siddiqui, S. From lecturer to e-tutor: Tales of transition

Srdanovic´, V. Some Implications of Technology in E-Learning: An Opportunity and a Challenge

Section two: Management, Organisational &
Behavioural Issues

Allan, J. & Lawless, N. Stress caused by on-line collaboration in elearning: a scoping study

Bartlett-Bragg, A. Preparing for the Future – Initiatives introduced by a University to address the demands of e-Learning in an Organisational Context.

Bender, D. M. Attitudes of Faculty Toward Distance Education

Combe, C. The Development of Distance Learning and Teaching Applications using the Internet: Understanding Problems and Creating Solutions

Helliar, C., Monk, E. & Stevenson, L. Accounting academics’ perceptions of the use of computers in learning and teaching auditing

Krayer, A, Thomas, A., Iphofen, R. & Allsup, D. Implications for integrating learning technologies into university teaching. A case study.

Lee-Kelley, L. Blackman, D & Good, B. The implications of strong mental models on innovation in e-learning: a case study

Lennon, K. Management Programme By A Multi-Disciplinary Team

Michaelson, R. 'E' with everything

Raffelini, C. From teletraining to e-learning. A case study on the evaluation of teletraining activities by videoconference at the Centre Hospitalier of University of Montreal (CHUM) in Canada.

Scott, R. & Duncan, E. An Examination of the Implementation of Managed Learning Environments within Caledonian Business School, Glasgow

Smith, J. ‘Real People’ in Virtual Learning Environments:
supporting and managing individuals in their interaction with online technology

Section three: Tools, Technologies & Systems

Balla, A., Tayed Laskri, M. & Laouidi, S. A Dynamic Adaptive Hypermedia Model guided by Pedagogical Activities

Branki, C., Unland, R., Biegus,L. & Smith, T. A Facilitator Agent in an Electronic Services Market

Cheng, K. F. & Buggy, T. Speech Recognition as
means to enhanced Managed Learning Environments

Despotovic´, M. & Srdanovic´, V. TeekoTeacher: A
Tool for Learning Good Teeko Strategies

Duncan, J. W. The Use of Agents and Avatars in e-Learning

Gray, E. & Temple, B. Virtual Communication - Strengths and Weaknesses

Pacurer, E. G. & Trigano, P. C. Evaluation and Design of
pedagogical hypermedia on the Web

Stewart, I. & McKee, W. Using Voice Recognition Technology to Supplement E-Learning Audio.

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